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Baroque painting and music

Page history last edited by Mr. Mullen 8 years, 7 months ago

Baroque Photostories

See the final products.


Baroque Characteristics



Google Art Project


"Great Masters" Photostory Project


Choose a "Great Master" from the 17th century.

  • Mr. Mullen has a collection of 17th century painters.
  • Chapter 21 of the Humanities textbook is devoted to these painters-- read about them.


Select 3 paintings

  • Think and read about them. Use the textbook, the internet, the art books in the classroom, and the library.
  • Talk about them.
  • Enjoy them, for they are beautiful!
  • Find the pictures online and copy them to your folder or flash drive.


Create a Video about the paintings.

  • We Video is recommended.


The video should contain... (33)

  • the paintings
  • a voiceover explaining each painting
  • some baroque music


The video should teach... (66)

  • the painter's signature style-- how do you know this painting is by this artist?
  • how the paintings are Baroque
  • what prominent imagery, metaphors, conceits, paradoxes, and / or ironies are present in the paintings
  • in what 17th century poem(s) you have seen similar poetic devices


Singles or pairs only-- no trios or quartets (or quintets, etc.)

3 pictures

A few minutes

Early Baroque Composers

whose music you can include in your Photostory:

  • Monteverdi
  • Schutz
  • Carissimi
  • Corelli
  • Lully
  • Purcell
  • Praetorius


Monteverdi: Orfeo

Libretto: http://www.naxos.com/education/opera_libretti.asp?pn=&char=ALL&composer=Monteverdi&opera=Orfeo&libretto_file=English/Act_1.htm


Heinrich Schutz, SWV 335     Psalm 42


Carissimi, Jephthe


Judges 11.29-38



(from the moment Jephtha sees his daughter emerge from the house), from Cum / vidisset / Jephte, / qui / votum / Domino / voverat,





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