
Choice Book Extravaganza

Page history last edited by Mr. Mullen 12 years, 5 months ago





What an A looks / sounds like:

  • Your product clearly identifies a key concept from the beginning of the course.
  • Your product focuses on a passage in the novel where that concept is prominent.
  • Your product is a close reading of how the passage dramatizes the concept.
    • the connotations and "metaphorical values" of words and imagery
    • the tone of the passage
    • the ironies and paradoxes present in the passage
    • the internal conflicts present in the characters
  • Your product is an evaluation of how the entire novel can be understood in terms of the concept.
  •  The neatness, organization, and intelligibility of your product is the result of careful thought and preparation.



Read the wiki section entitled "close reading" to understand literary analysis. Here are some other suggestions:

  • What is the most suggestive, provocative word or image in the passage you have chosen?
  • What is ironic about the passage?
  • How is the passage a microcosm of the whole book?
  • Does the passage present a problem? Does it raise questions rather than offer answers?

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