Intro to Dante
Textbook: The Divine Comedy
4th edition: pp. 331-333
5th edition pp.325-326
written in the vulgar (Italian)
begins in despair and ends in bliss, as opposed to tragedy
realistic view of human nature
wide variety of human types
The Divine Comedy as “spiritual epic”
Structure of The Divine Comedy
Three canticles: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso
Each canticle contains 33 cantos. (There is one introductory canto.)
100 total cantos
Each canto is written in terza rima
three-line stanza
interlocking rhymes
Number symbolism: multiples of 3
Levels of interpretation
literal: Dante as a character
allegorical: commentary on contemporary politics
anagogical: Everyman’s quest for salvation
Structure of Inferno
Dante witnesses the “gamut of human sins and their punishments.”
Structured on the seven deadly sins, which are arranged in three categories.
Introductory lecture from Yale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=679FGDpZBew
Divine Comedy Full Text
William Blake's sketches of Inferno:
and here (very cool): http://www.blakearchive.org/exist/blake/archive/copy.xq?copyid=but812.1&java=yes
The Medieval Bestiary: http://bestiary.ca/
Really good maps: The World of Dante
Questions and activities for each canto we study. Please add your own questions to these pages.
Canto 1
Canto 3
Canto 5
Canto 26
Canto 33
Canto 34
Canto 1: Stephen Crane's "The Wayfarer"
Canto 3: ee cummings and Robert Frost: 2 poems
Canto 5: canto5_side.doc
Canto 26: CuriosityAlastair Reed_dante_26.doc
Canto 33: "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor
- Compare the pairs in the story to the pairs in Inferno, particularly Canto 33.
- What is the significance of Joy's name change?
- What is the significance of the prosthetic leg?
- What kinds of treason occur in the story?
- What is Hulga's punishment? How is it appropriate?
- What is the significance of the title?
Canto 34: A poem by Robert Frost and one by William Blake
Expand a side by side journal entry into an essay
- Choose one of your journal entries.
- Expand that journal entry into a brief essay that compares and contrasts a canto of Inferno with the side by side text.
- The essay should be no more than 2 typed pages double spaced in 12-point standard font.
The essay should have these three "chunks"*:
- Chunk 1: A paragraph that makes a clear, direct statement of exactly how the canto and the side by side text could read together. (answer the question)
- Chunk 2: A paragraph or two that performs a text-rooted analysis of how the the poem and the canto could be read together. (provide the evidence)
- Concentrate on the WORDS-- their meanings, connotations, and metaphorical values. The text is the final (and only) arbiter of the validity of a reading. If there is no textual evidence, there is no argument.
- Consider the TONE of the speaker(s). Their attitude toward the subject matter is of paramount importance.
- Chunk 3: A paragraph or two that demonstrates how your analysis leads to a deeper understanding of the canto. (significant to the work as a whole, theme)
- A theme can be thought of as a statement of what is IRONIC about the text.
*CHUNK: a section of an essay that performs a particular function. A chunk can, among other things, introduce the thesis, analyze a section of text, or consider a theme. A CHUNK can be one or more paragraphs.
- Three chunks. Each chunk performs its function as described above. 75 points, or 25 points per chunk
- Grammar, syntax, usage, clarity: The essay has been proofread and revised for correctness and clarity. 25 points
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