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at 7:14 am on Mar 26, 2009
staring at a blank screen, i could write that essay or go get ice cream
at 7:27 am on Mar 26, 2009
Senioritis now, why I will not finish this...
at 7:28 am on Mar 26, 2009
all books are too long read sparknotes to pass the test ...if I feel like it.
at 7:48 am on Mar 26, 2009
We went to bed late... Can we have a naptime please? We are half conscious.
at 7:18 am on Mar 27, 2009
I'm late already Probably no parking space I'll go tomorrow
at 7:22 am on Mar 27, 2009
Staring into space, Thinking about senior week, Just 2 months away.
at 8:37 am on Mar 27, 2009
Mullen's computer crashed... But I'm off to MIT... 2 months left to go....
at 9:02 am on Mar 27, 2009
Handing in the note For the absences this week Wait, I'm sick again
at 9:06 am on Mar 27, 2009
High school is useless. I've gotten into college. Why am I still here?
at 9:07 am on Mar 27, 2009
i'll miss haverford and my workout walking far 10 blocks from my car
at 9:10 am on Mar 27, 2009
Stuffing freshmen in Lockers is real fun to do I'll miss it badly. The zen moment of This, invariably, is College awaits me Aerosmith is bad Maura disagrees with me She likes bad music
at 9:27 am on Mar 27, 2009
Webster fails me now See senioritis defined In daydreams instead
at 9:29 am on Mar 27, 2009
We're all slacking, BUT Pope: Whatever is, is right So we shall "submit"
at 9:31 am on Mar 27, 2009
mullen writes some songs we continue not to write rhetorical piece
I want to sleep, but I have to write some essay. What is a "Raymo"?
at 9:38 am on Mar 27, 2009
i graduated not from school but solitare i now play free cell
at 1:31 pm on Apr 8, 2009
Daydreaming all day Going to class just for fun Who needs GPAs?
at 8:12 am on Feb 19, 2010
senioritis po'm cause i really need the points paradoxical..........
at 8:23 am on Feb 19, 2010
I won’t miss this school, From English to math and more, School is such a bore.
at 8:28 am on Feb 19, 2010
senior project done only one semester left why am I at school?
at 8:48 am on Feb 19, 2010
one semester left, who cares 'bout them "vagues" i got? gonna make it out. -Zach Juliano
Texting during class. Keep the phone on the table. No one really cares. -Chen
at 8:51 am on Feb 19, 2010
Yes, Senioritis I can start slacking off...Wait, I never do work
at 4:40 pm on Feb 21, 2010
If we all have it, why do we scramble for points? Seems strange doesn't it? Sarah Somers
at 9:11 pm on Mar 2, 2010
Last eighth of high school: we wait on the future yet fail to ensure it. Its a bad idea, to let random chance control our way... isn't it?
at 8:44 pm on Mar 14, 2010
Three months from today, I shall be graduating. Not that I'm counting... I stayed up too late. Guess I'll have to compensate with four blocks of nap.
at 10:48 am on Mar 15, 2010
Seniors sit quiet Teachers teach to no response Snore Snore Snore Snore Snore
at 10:53 am on Mar 15, 2010
Sparknotes is too long Cliffnotes is too descriptive Just don't read the book -Alicia and Abby Sleep, Twitter, Facebook It is all I ever do Senioritis, whoo -Alicia What are we doing? Should we be working right now? Do you have brownies? -Alicia, Abby, Eric
at 10:57 am on Mar 15, 2010
Sparknotes is too long that is a problem, isn't it? go back to facebook
at 11:04 am on Mar 15, 2010
I have some homework. I guess I should get started. Ha ha ha. . . .yeah right.
at 1:05 pm on Mar 17, 2010
The teacher lectures on and on and on and on blah blah blah blah blah The teacher drones on I smell delicious popcorn I'll go join that class. Don't want to be here Think I'll stay home tomorrow and never come back
at 10:21 am on Feb 7, 2011
What does Mullen want? A senioritis haiku No, I'm too lazy
at 7:17 am on Mar 23, 2011
Senioritis sucks. I have no good ideas... Screw it.
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Comments (34)
Amanda Wilson said
at 7:14 am on Mar 26, 2009
staring at a blank
screen, i could write that essay
or go get ice cream
Sara Wing said
at 7:27 am on Mar 26, 2009
Senioritis now,
why I will not finish this...
Mary Claire said
at 7:28 am on Mar 26, 2009
all books are too long
read sparknotes to pass the test
...if I feel like it.
Rachael Lipson said
at 7:48 am on Mar 26, 2009
We went to bed late...
Can we have a naptime please?
We are half conscious.
Carolyn Seo said
at 7:18 am on Mar 27, 2009
I'm late already
Probably no parking space
I'll go tomorrow
Jenna Baldwin said
at 7:22 am on Mar 27, 2009
Staring into space,
Thinking about senior week,
Just 2 months away.
Michael Plasmeier said
at 8:37 am on Mar 27, 2009
Mullen's computer crashed...
But I'm off to MIT...
2 months left to go....
Hong Son said
at 9:02 am on Mar 27, 2009
Handing in the note
For the absences this week
Wait, I'm sick again
Eve Lalor said
at 9:06 am on Mar 27, 2009
High school is useless.
I've gotten into college.
Why am I still here?
Hannah said
at 9:07 am on Mar 27, 2009
i'll miss haverford
and my workout walking far
10 blocks from my car
Jordan Talasnik said
at 9:10 am on Mar 27, 2009
Stuffing freshmen in
Lockers is real fun to do
I'll miss it badly.
The zen moment of
This, invariably, is
College awaits me
Aerosmith is bad
Maura disagrees with me
She likes bad music
Jordan Talasnik said
at 9:10 am on Mar 27, 2009
Stuffing freshmen in
Lockers is real fun to do
I'll miss it badly.
The zen moment of
This, invariably, is
College awaits me
Aerosmith is bad
Maura disagrees with me
She likes bad music
Natalie Nunez said
at 9:27 am on Mar 27, 2009
Webster fails me now
See senioritis defined
In daydreams instead
Hong Son said
at 9:29 am on Mar 27, 2009
We're all slacking, BUT
Pope: Whatever is, is right
So we shall "submit"
Hannah said
at 9:31 am on Mar 27, 2009
mullen writes some songs
we continue not to write
rhetorical piece
Eve Lalor said
at 9:31 am on Mar 27, 2009
I want to sleep, but
I have to write some essay.
What is a "Raymo"?
Hannah said
at 9:38 am on Mar 27, 2009
i graduated
not from school but solitare
i now play free cell
Greg Nicosia said
at 1:31 pm on Apr 8, 2009
Daydreaming all day
Going to class just for fun
Who needs GPAs?
Tyler Kunsa said
at 8:12 am on Feb 19, 2010
senioritis po'm
cause i really need the points
David Talbot said
at 8:23 am on Feb 19, 2010
I won’t miss this school,
From English to math and more,
School is such a bore.
Jim McKenna said
at 8:28 am on Feb 19, 2010
senior project done
only one semester left
why am I at school?
Andy said
at 8:48 am on Feb 19, 2010
one semester left,
who cares 'bout them "vagues" i got?
gonna make it out.
-Zach Juliano
Charles.Chen said
at 8:48 am on Feb 19, 2010
Texting during class.
Keep the phone on the table.
No one really cares.
Kayvan H said
at 8:51 am on Feb 19, 2010
Yes, Senioritis
I can start slacking off...Wait,
I never do work
Sarah Somers said
at 4:40 pm on Feb 21, 2010
If we all have it,
why do we scramble for points?
Seems strange doesn't it?
Sarah Somers
Josh Kays said
at 9:11 pm on Mar 2, 2010
Last eighth of high school:
we wait on the future yet
fail to ensure it.
Its a bad idea,
to let random chance control
our way... isn't it?
Kristin Gdovin said
at 8:44 pm on Mar 14, 2010
Three months from today,
I shall be graduating.
Not that I'm counting...
I stayed up too late.
Guess I'll have to compensate
with four blocks of nap.
Eric Shaw said
at 10:48 am on Mar 15, 2010
Seniors sit quiet
Teachers teach to no response
Snore Snore Snore Snore Snore
Alicia said
at 10:53 am on Mar 15, 2010
Sparknotes is too long
Cliffnotes is too descriptive
Just don't read the book
-Alicia and Abby
Sleep, Twitter, Facebook
It is all I ever do
Senioritis, whoo
What are we doing?
Should we be working right now?
Do you have brownies?
-Alicia, Abby, Eric
Abby said
at 10:57 am on Mar 15, 2010
Sparknotes is too long
that is a problem, isn't it?
go back to facebook
Alexis Miller said
at 11:04 am on Mar 15, 2010
I have some homework.
I guess I should get started.
Ha ha ha. . . .yeah right.
Kristin Gdovin said
at 1:05 pm on Mar 17, 2010
The teacher lectures
on and on and on and on
blah blah blah blah blah
The teacher drones on
I smell delicious popcorn
I'll go join that class.
Don't want to be here
Think I'll stay home tomorrow
and never come back
grupp said
at 10:21 am on Feb 7, 2011
What does Mullen want?
A senioritis haiku
No, I'm too lazy
Shields said
at 7:17 am on Mar 23, 2011
Senioritis sucks.
I have no good ideas...
Screw it.
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