As Medieval literature, SGAK can be read in light of the four "pillars" of Medieval philosophy and ethics: Greek philosophy, Roman law (the natural law), Old Testament justice (submission), and New Testament ethics (caritas).
The Medieval mind saw everything as a theophany-- a microcosm of a higher, divine reality. Arthur's court, for example, is a theophany or microcosm of the court of heaven ruled by God; Gawain's armor is a theophany of the divine grace that protects people from evil. Much Medieval literature, therefore, is allegorical. See a discussion of allegory inLiterary Terms.
LIfe is an iter mentis ad deo-- a journey or pilgrimage to the divine. Those who pratice caritas-- submission to God and concern for others-- would ascend to that higher reality. Those ensnared in cupiditas-- self-serving and selfish love-- would be punished.
SGAK is unique among the romances of the period because of its ironic tone and sarcastic wit.
An excerpt from the poem in the original mid-14th century dialect: Sir Gawain excerpt
Karass Quests
Each karass quest is worth 30 class points for karass members who are present: 12 points for the discussion, 12 for the quality of the presentation, and 6 for trenchant and insightful close reading. If you are absent for a karass quest, see the makeup quest at the end of each page.
The prompts below are from recent AP exams in Literature. You will choose one and respond in terms of SGAK.
2006, Form B. In many works of literature, a physical journey - the literal movement from one place to another - plays a central role. Choose a novel, play, or epic poem in which a physical journey is an important element and discuss how the journey adds to the meaning of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.
2007, Form B. Works of literature often depict acts of betrayal. Friends and even family may betray a protagonist; main characters may likewise be guilty of treachery or may betray their own values. Select a novel or play that includes such acts of betrayal. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the nature of the betrayal and show how it contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole.
A Medieval Love Song by Guillaume de Machaut (b.1300?- d. 1377)
Ne qu'on porroit les estoiles nombrer, Quant on les voit luire plus clerement, Et les goutes de pluie et de la mer, Et la greve seur quoy elle s'estent, Et compasser le tour dou firmament, Ne porroit on penser ne concevoir Le grant desir que j'ay de vous veoir.
(It is no more possible to count the stars Shining so brightly up above And the rain drops and the sea And the shore along which it stretches And measure the breadth of the heavens Than it is to imagine or conceive of The great desire I have to see you.)
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